Sunday, September 14, 2014


I got to enjoy reading the blog Get Organized! by Frank Buck. The first post I read was named Happy 10th Birthday, Blog! This so happened to be the first post I read as well as the last post Frank will be putting on this blog. August 30th marked the tenth year since Frank began this blog. Not only did he celebrate this, but he also wrote about the pros of having a blog. There are multiple uses for blogs, whether they be for businesses, schools, etc. He also tells how simple keeping a blog is and how it will actually make your life easier. Blogs keep all their information on them and are super easy to go back and edit if the author finds the need to. He also list ten very good reasons why people should blog, and I agree with every single one! The more I learn in my class EDM310, the more I'm seeing technology in a new light. Blogs can be so versatile, why not make them work to our advantage? When I left my comment I made sure to let him know how much I enjoyed reading his latest post and that I definitely agreed with his points about the pros of blogging.
To-Do Lists

The second post I read by Frank Buck was titled Better Choices, and It's Easy. He described how helpful electronic to-do lists can be. This is something you can use that will assist you in keeping everything you have to do in order and make sure you get it done on time. His advice was to give the things on the list a due date so that you would have order to all the many things you needed to accomplish. I left a comment explaining what a great idea I thought this was. Sure, I've made plenty of lists of the things I needed to do, but I probably lost every single list before I ever completed the tasks. By having an electronic to-do list I can keep it right on my phone, and I know I'll always keep up with that device. I got one of the lists he suggested and have been trying it out. So far it seems to be a great idea and keeping me up to date on the many things in my schedule!

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